
DR. JIM GARLOW, a life long pastor, resides in San Diego. He has focused on organizing study of the Bible in governmental centers such as the US Capitol in Washington, DC, the United Nations in New York City, and in the Knesset in Jerusalem, Israel. He is heard daily on over 850 radio outlets in one-minute commentaries called “The Garlow Perspective.” He has served on the White House Faith Initiative and has traveled with groups of evangelical leaders in “faith diplomacy” trips, meeting with several heads of state in the Middle East and Latin America. Jim received a PhD in historical theology from Drew University, his ThM from Princeton Theological Seminary, his MDiv from Asbury Theological Seminary, his BA and MA from Southern Nazarene University, and his AA from Oklahoma Wesleyan University. After he became a widower, he married Rosemary. They have eight children, eight grandsons, and two granddaughters.

DAVID BARTON is the founder of WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization that leads in understanding our nation’s moral, religious, and constitutional foundations. His exhaustive research has rendered him an expert in historical and constitutional issues. David is a graduate of Oral Roberts University, majoring in religious education. He and his wife Cheryl reside in Aledo, Texas. They have three married children and three grandchildren.